thank you...

today i saw that i now have 12 "subscribers" to my blog and that made me very happy!
from what i can see most of them(if not all) are danish so - mange tak fordi i følger min blog fast.
det gør det hele en smule mere sjovt! taktak.<3

and also a big thank you to all the other people who drops by my blog from time to time.
please tell me if you have some things you'd like to see more off on this blog.


4 kommentarer:

Young sagde ...

Hvor fint!
Selv tak :)

Anonym sagde ...

Hi! I follow your blog but you probably cant see it anywhere. I'm swedish though, so you have readers here too:) I fell for your great taste and beautifull pictures. You're more than welcome to pop into my blog anytime,

many hugs from Vickie

eva sagde ...

flere posts! :)

jointjumble sagde ...

your outfit posts are good and I like the films you choose, o yeah and you are really cool 8)